Hiya! I’m Mikaela. And I love food. And travel. And David. And my puppy. Not necessarily in that order, because putting your husband third in the list of things you love is definitely not okay. He should be at least second behind puppy. (KIDDING.)
I am a patent litigation attorney with a habit for stress baking on snowy days.
I love rainy days that are sunny.
I dream a lot and hope a lot and laugh a lot.

I’d rather be doing something than nothing.
Pack my bag and put me on an airplane and I will follow you anywhere.
I pack emergency baked goods in my briefcase backpack, because you never know when you’ll need the pick-me-up power of a chocolate zucchini muffin.
I do believe that Denver has the best professional wear (read: yoga pants) of any place I’ve ever lived.
I love Harry Potter. A lot. (#ravenclawforlife)
I love puppies.
I love cookie dough.
When I get writers block while tackling a legal brief, I shimmy shimmy cocoa puffs into my friend’s office in search of reese’s peanut butter cups.
Wildflowers make me happy.
Needlessly rude people make me unhappy.
The good guys always win. #karma
At the end of the day . . . there is no place I would rather be than baking in my cookie monster PJs, watching David dance our fluffernutter puppy, Darwin, around the living room.
PS – Are you a fellow baker and want to know more? Check out my FAQs or hit me up at mikaela [at] wyldflour.com!
PPS – Are you a fellow traveler and interested in where we’ve been? Watch us run by following my travel posts in the lifestyle section!
PPPS – Are you a fellow food blogger and interested in talking shop and more specifically food photography??

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